ZOUTMAN manages to reduce water consumption thanks to substantial investments in purification technology
Due to both little rainfall and high temperatures, Western Europe is experiencing the driest start of summer since the beginning of the previous century. This means that our use of water needs to be revisited. Not only households will have to pull their weight, but the industry will have to adapt as well. At ZOUTMAN, we are aware of the role that companies can play in this issue and continue to invest in purification technology that reduces our water consumption to the absolute minimum.

Thanks to this new installation, we are also doubling our production capacity of food-grade brine. Ultrafiltration ensures crystal-clear brine that scores many times better than the strictest food quality standards require.
Closed chain
Thanks to an earlier made investment in our own water and brine purification installation, we already ensure that the company’s used water goes around in a closed chain. As a result, the company is less dependent on ground and surface water. ZOUTMAN is now reinforcing this environmentally friendly production process by investing in ultrafiltration, a high-tech method to thoroughly filter and reuse process water. It’s a sustainable investment with which we as a company want to make a difference and limit the ecological and societal impact of the current drought.
Of all purification methods, ultrafiltration can be called the cream of the crop. This performant technique pushes water through a membrane that has a pore size of only 0.02 to 0.03 micron (micrometer). To give a better idea of this exceptional measure: 1 micrometer is about the smallest detail that can be seen with an optical microscope. Thanks to this new installation, we are also doubling our production capacity of food-grade brine. Ultrafiltration ensures crystal-clear brine that scores many times better than the strictest food quality standards require.